Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paleo-Diet Day 1

Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 2:15am CA

I began the Paleo-Diet today as according to My first tall glass of water first thing in the morning. I had normal blood-glucose, so I took my 40 units of 24 hour insulin. After that I bought a can of mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, macadamia), and some bananas. Also I cheated a bit and got a small coffee to sip on through the day. But I snacked on about 8-10 servings of nuts and 4 bananas through the day. Also I worked out around 5pm for about an hour, afterwards drinking a protein shake (which may be cheating. But I'm trying to build muscle), and later chowed down on a decent dinner of steak and potatoes and rice and veggies. Honestly, I feel great. I think it helped me have energy and not feel the need to stop to eat. Which is amazing, especially as a diabetic. Because I don't mind not stopping to stuff my face. I went all day without a meal. Just nuts and fruit. I felt more productive, not confined to meal-times. I feel good about it. I found myself pacing and thinking and talking... I was energetic. Thanks, Board of Nutrition, for trying to indict that guy for blogging about his experience with the Paleo-Diet... now I know that it could cure diabetes. Now I'm going to do the same thing he did. Lol @ greedy fascist self-interest-serving government agency. Bite me!

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